How to Create the Blog Voice for Your Business
Many businesses start blogs without a real plan. After all, it's easy to do and you just need to start writing. But actually, there's some serious planning involved and one of the major decisions to make is the voice of your blog. A good blog needs a clear and consistent voice that is communicated on every page. Consistency helps you create a brand and this is what builds trust with your customers.
The Elements of a Blog Voice
What does 'blog voice' mean? It sounds simple but it's made up of a …Tips for Solopreneurs – How to Take the Blogging Weight off Your Shoulders
There’s no question about it - blogging takes time. If you're a solopreneur with a daily to-do list as long as your arm, you may feel like you don't have the time to update your blog. However, it might be your day's most important task, so don't skip it. Here are some tips for taking the blogging weight off your shoulders and making blogging what it should be – fun, energizing, and creative.
Find Your Best Writing Times
Everybody has certain times of the day when they feel more inspired than ot…8 Business Blogging Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Business blogging is a great way to connect with your customers, bring traffic to your site, and promote your business to new prospects. All you need to do is write posts on a regular basis. Blog platforms like WordPress make it incredibly easy. But before you get started, here are 8 common business blogging mistakes that you need to avoid.
1. Inappropriate Design or Confusing Layout
No matter how valuable the information is that you’re offering, if your site looks unprofessional or confusing, …10 Business Blogging Secrets You Can Learn from the Big Kahunas
Just because you're a small business doesn't mean you have to blog like one. That's the great thing about the Internet – it creates a level playing field. Even if you run a business out of your bedroom closet, you can blog like a pro. Here are 10 secrets to blogging just like the big guys.
Write Magazine Headlines
Write headlines just like magazines use. Take a look at a magazine and see how their headlines grab the attention of the reader. Try to create titles that make the reader think, 'Wow,…How You Can Increase Your Income with a Business Blog
While a business blog is a great tool for marketing and building relationships with customers, it can also provide new revenue streams. It can help you to increase your earnings, both directly through the site and in more indirect ways. Here are several ways it can do that.
Showcase Your Products and Services
You can use your business blog to showcase your products and services, and explain to your customers how they can benefit from them. Your customers may not necessarily know about everythin…Promote your knowledge
Many bookkeepers, and small business owners in general, stick up a website with their phone number and email address then wonder why people don't call. I made exactly this mistake when I setup my business. The problem with this is that not everyone has the confidence to pick up the phone. They may not be totally convinced that you are a good fit for them, or may want proof that you know what you're doing.
One way to begin to prove that you really know your stuff is to write a short book. This…
One way to begin to prove that you really know your stuff is to write a short book. This…
Why Targeting Your Market Is Essential to Your Business
No matter what type of business you have, you need a target market. There are folks who want and need your products, and the goal of your marketing efforts is to connect with them. Without a clearly defined target market, you're taking shots in the dark and just hoping that you’ll find people who will buy. You have no real idea if you’re aiming too high, too low, or in the wrong direction entirely.
What Is a Target Market?
A target market is a group of people that have related characteristics an…Introducing yourself to local businesses
I've just been looking through some of the resources offered by one of the professional bodies. I came across a letter of introduction to local businesses and found it wanting. More than that actually, in my opinion to send it is a wasted stamp.
I've taken the letter and redesigned it into something more likely to get a response. Here are some of the things I think were wrong with the original.
The Title Original : LOCAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE What does this title say to you? Does it really want to m…
I've taken the letter and redesigned it into something more likely to get a response. Here are some of the things I think were wrong with the original.
The Title Original : LOCAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE What does this title say to you? Does it really want to m…
5 Reasons You Need a Business Blog
No matter what kind of company you have, you need to be blogging. Even if you don't consider yourself a writer or blogger, it's essential because your business blog offers another touch point with your customers. It's easy to do and there are several good reasons you should do it.
1. A More Personal Connection
Like social media, your blog gives you a chance to connect with your customers on a more personal level. While your website is a static page that simply tells them about your business, yo…The Essentials of Market Research
Market research gives you a picture of your target market so that you can create and grow a business that meets their needs. You have to know the people in your market perfectly so that you can connect them to the products and services that are best suited for them. In order to do this, you need to gather and analyse hard data about your audience.